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* Jörg Behrmann <> [240503 16:39]:
> Upstream util-linux provides a cal binary, that is, in my opinion, superior to
> the cal provided by the ncal package, since the output is much more flexible.

> Unfortunately the command line switches
> are not compatible and util-linux cal cannot display the date of Easter, so it
> is not drop-in compatible. It would nevertheless be great if e.g. an
> alternatives selection for util-linux cal could be provided.

I'm somewhat open to shipping util-linux's cal, but not if that
involves update-alternatives.

Could you maybe work with upstream, so that util-linux's cal becomes
a drop-in replacement, and can work as both cal and ncal?

Also, quite obviously is this something we want to do as Debian?
Michael, as the maintainer of the current ncal package, what is your
opinion here?


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